The Pin code of Agathi is 682553.

The 682553 pin code is associated with Agathi Post Office which is situated in district of LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT,LAKSHADWEEP.


What is Pincode?

Pincode or Zip code is an unique Post office number system used to sort and deliver post in correct address. Each Pin code is mapped to area. This is a 6-digit code that is used to identify the specific geographic location and area in India. The first digit of the PIN code represents the region, the second digit represents the sub-region, the third digit represents the sorting district within the region, and the last three digits represent the delivery post office. In Some country it is called as Zip code or Postcode.

6 digit pin code

About Post office Agathi

The Agathi Post office pin code is 682553. It is a Sub Post Offices (S.O), which provides all postal services but in limited scale. You can find services such as daily mail/letter, Speed Post, Register Post, Money Order. Postal Stamp and Saving Account and more.

Post Office Address of Pincode 682553

(1) Agathi Post Office situated in district of LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT state of LAKSHADWEEP, INDIA.

Post Office Name Agathi
Post Office Type Sub Post Office (S.O)
Pincode 682553
Address Agathi, LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT, INDIA - 682553
Postal Division Lakshadweep Division

Google Map location of Agathi Post Office.


Q. What place does the PIN code 682553 belongs to?

A. The Pin code 682553 belongs to Agathi, LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT, LAKSHADWEEP.

Q. What is the pin code of Agathi?

A. The Place Agathi pin code is 682553 which is under LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT, LAKSHADWEEP.

Q. What is the District and state the pin code 682553 belongs to?

A. The pin code 682553 is under LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT, LAKSHADWEEP.

Q. How to find pin code based on my Location?

A. You can detect your pin code using your device location service. For this you have to allow location once you click on find pin code by location. This link will find your pin code automatically.

State wise Post Offices in India:


The pin code informations which is provided here sourced from official website of Indaa Postal website. We have just represented it differently for easy to use for our visitor. The data last updated 10 Nov 2022. Anyone can take the information for free, still we do not guarantee its correctness for legal purposes. You should cross verify it from Indian postal website before using any legal documents or any other purposes. We are not responsible for any damage or loss incur due this information.

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